keratinization on spiny scales, connected by hinge regions
fission zone/shedding
Birds: feathers and uropygial glands
hair/arrector pili muscles
Sweat glands
Nails, claws, hooves
sebaceous glands
apocrine (mammary) glands
keratinization of all of these
The integument system may include tissues such as
connective tissue
smooth muscle
Integument functions in
osmotic barrier/filter
sensory receptions
temp regulation
vit d synthesis
4 things covers the dermis
hair, feathers, bones, scales
Types of exocrine glands?
holocrine, apocrine, merocrine (eccrine)
Holocrine gland - secretes liquid from cell destruction
apocrine gland - secretes liquid but loses a portion of the cell
merocrine (eccrine) gland - secretes fluid by exocytosis
A lot of fish have living cells on the outside of their epidermis
Chromatophore - color bearing cells, only produce specialized proteins called pigments which interact with light to produce colors
Types of chromatophores
Melanophores - have dark pigment (brown/black) contained in organelles called melanosomes
iridophores - contain purine and guanine platelets creating a silvery appearance (silver/blue)
Xanthophores - contain yellow pigments
eurythrophores - contain red pigments
dermal chromatophore unit - arrangement of 3 or more chromatophores. Combos of chromatophores and dynamics of deeper melanophores result in a wide variety of color patterns
green - blue light from iridophores reflects back through yellow xanthophores
Morphological color change - change in coloration by changing the amount of pigment synthesized (slow process)
Physiological color change - change in coloration by changing the distribution of amount of pigment in melanophores (fast process)
Structural color changes - color changes by changing the angle in which iridescent colors are displayed (fast process)
unicellular glands - single cells that acts like a gland for secretion
Agnthans have all living cells on their skin. No need for a keratinized layer since they don't have to worry about water loss
In actinopterygii, unicellular glands rupture when the organism is bitten, a release a pheromone that other fish can sense and know the danger
keratin - diverse filamentous proteins produced in epidermal layer by keratinocytes