Atavistic form: Biological explanations

Cards (12)

  • Lombroso wrote a book called L'Huomo Delinquent where he suggests that criminals are a sub-species that are biologically different from non-criminals.
  • the atavistic form would be best described as speculative and naive, though it is credited for moving criminology into more of a rigorous and scientific realm
    • lead to the foundation of offender profiling
  • offenders were seen by Lombroso as lacking evolutionary development and their savage and untamed nature meant that it was impossible to adjust to society and turn to a life of crime
  • Lombroso saw criminal behaviour as a natural tendency, rooted in genealogy of those who engaged in it.
  • Lombroso argued that the criminal sub-type can be identified as beingng in possession of particular psychological 'markers' that were linked to particular types of crime
  • atavistic characteristics are biological determined characteristics, mainly features of the face and head
  • Atavistic characteristics of basic criminals:
    • narrow, slopping brow
    • strong jaw
    • high cheekbones
    • facial asymmetry
    • darker skin
    • extra toe, nipple or finder
  • Atavistic characteristics for Murders
    • glinting eyes
    • swollen
    • slessy lips
    • projecting ears
  • physical traits of a criminal:
    • insensitive to pain
    • use criminal slang
    • tattoo
    • unemployment
  • S - Atavistic Form: Contribution to Criminology
    credited as shifting the emphasis in crime research away from moralistic discourse towards a more scientific cred
    • Lombroso has been hailed as the 'father of criminology'
    • held the beginning for criminal profiling
    • there made a contribution for the science of criminology
  • L- Atavistic Form: Scientific racism
    distinct racist undertones within Lombroso's work
    • many of the features identified as criminal and atavistic (curly hair and dark skin)are most likely found among people of African descent.
    • his description of ac=tavistic being 'uncivilised, primitive, savage' lends support to many of the eugenic philosophies of the time.
  • L - activistic form: Causation is an issue
    having some elements of atavistic characteristics does not necessarily mean that this is the cause of their offending
    • facial and cranial differences may be influenced by other factors (poverty or poor diet)rather than an indication of poor evolutionary development
    • Lombrosos's later research suggested that criminals made as well as born