Those who have acceptedGod'sgraceandforgivenessinthislife will enjoy an eternalexistenceinGod'spresence in the nextlife. This face-to-faceencounterwithGod is what we call "Heaven"
Those who, throughtheexerciseoftheirownfreewill, ultimatelyrejectGod's graceandforgiveness, will have chosen to live eternallyoutsideofGod'spresence. This totallackofGod for all eternity is what we call "Hell"
At the endofourlife, we will be faced with an ultimatechoice to chooseGodorrejectGod. The decision we take leads to judgementanddecideswhetherwegotoHeavenorHell
The teachingauthorityoftheChurch, exercised by the bishopsincommunionwiththePope. The Magisterium is given gracebytheHolySpirit to faithfullyinterpret the ScripturesandTradition
The raisingofthebodytolifeagainafterdeath. Christians believe that Jesus has already experienced resurrection and thatallpeoplewillexperienceitattheendoftime
The name Catholic use to describe the ritewherethebreadandwinebecomethebodyandbloodofJesus and are received by thepeople. Also the name for the realpresenceofJesus in the sacramentofHolyCommunion.