Plant Hormones

Subdecks (2)

Cards (28)

  • Give two factors the seedlings compete for.
  • Describe two improvements the students should make to their investigation.
    keep temperature the same
    use equal numbers of seedlings
  • Suggest how the students measured the length of the curved seedling
    Use string and measure length of thread
  • Why does storing bananas with other fruits cause the other fruits to ripen faster?
    Ethene is released from bananas
  • Phototropism is a growth response by part of a plant to light. Name one other tropism and the stimulus
    Stimulus- gravity
  • Explain how phototropism in a plant shoot helps the plant to survive.
    Leaves absorb more light so more photosynthesis meaning more glucose produced
  • Suggest an advantage of soaking seeds in a gibberellin solution in cold climates.
    seeds germinate sooner so growing season is longer