lone parent families

Cards (6)

  • why's there been increase?
    -increase in divorce & seperation
    -increase in never married women
  • in 2013
    -10.6% of all households
    -22% of all families with children
    -90% are female headed
  • the new right
    -believe are bad for society
    -'dependency culture'
    -too reliant on state for money
    -no longer motivated to work & provide for themself
  • Charles Murray
    -sees growth resulting from over generous welfare state providing benefits
    -created 'perverse incentive' > rewards irresponsible behaviour
    -solution > abolish welfare benefits to reduce dependency culture
  • evaluation of benefits
    -critics argue benefits are far from generous
    -lone parent families much more likely to end up in poverty due to:
    > lack of affordable childcare
    > women typically earn less
    > fathers failure to pay child maintenance
    > inadequate benefits from state
  • reconstituted families in 2013
    -over 10% of all families with children
    -over 85% have at least one child from woman's previous relationship
    -11% have at least one child from man's previous relationship
    -4% have children from both parents