Classification & Evolution

Cards (16)

  • List the 8 Taxonomic levels:
    1. Domain
    2. Kingdom
    3. Phylum
    4. Class
    5. Order
    6. Family
    7. Genus
    8. Species
  • What does the phylum in the taxonomic levels use to group organisms?
    Body plan
  • As you go down the 8 taxonomic levels....
    • the differences are smaller
    • becomes more specific
    • requires detailed description
  • Why do we use the binomial naming system?
    • common names do not worktranslation of languages may give a different name
    • Latin is a universal languagebecomes a universal name, avoids confusion
  • List all the types of variation:
    • discontinuous
    • continuous
    • interspecific
    • intraspecific
  • What causes variation:
    • Genetic
    • Environmental
  • Explain why bats and birds, despite not being closely related, have both evolved wings.
    • similar lifestyle
    • similar selection pressure
    • wings are advantageous for their survival - its alleles are passed to the next generation
  • Why do the vast majority of bird species have not evolved the ability to echolocated?
    • they do not need it as they are active during the day
    • reduced visibility is not an issue
  • Explain how scientists are able to estimate the age of extinct organisms.
    • the study of fossils
    • the deeper the fossil in the ground, the older the organism
  • Why is just comparing the lengths of different species as an observation not valid?

    • age needs to be taken into account
    • a large sample should be used ∵ its better to find an average
    • the comparison of absolute lengths cannot be made
  • What is the role of segments in organisms?

    allows flexibility
  • State three biological molecules that can be used to provide evidence that species have evolved.
    • DNA
    • rRNA
    • Cytochrome C
  • Modern classification reflects phylogeny
  • Define Heterotrophic:
    An organism that consumes food made by autotrophics
  • Define Autotrophics:
    An organism that makes their own food
  • State the biological molecule *commonly* used to determine evolutionary relationships?