Week 3 - food spacing and double final consonants

Cards (10)

  • How to pronounce 닭고기
  • How to pronounce double final consonants?
    Pronounce the left one or pronounce the right one or one exception
  • how to answer “are you not hungry?”
    Yes I’m not hungry
  • 생선 what does it mean?
  • write a Korean sentence with the correct spacing based on “I like pizza. Do you like pizza?”

    나 피자 좋아해. 너도 피자 좋아해?
  • Write a short paragraph in Korean with the correct spacing between words based on the sentence “Hello. My name is Attila. It’s nice to meet you.”
    안녕하세요. 저는 아틸라입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다.
  • Write a Korean paragraph based on “Hello. I am Attila. I am studying Korean at Monash University in Australia. Nice to meet you. Good bye. See you again.”
    안녕하세요. 저는 아틸라입니다.
    저는 호주 모내시 대학교에서 한국어 공부해요.
    처음 뵙겠습니다.
  • Grapefruit in Korean
  • Mushroom in Korean
  • Beverages in Korean