
Cards (8)

  • family diversity
    -many different family types present in todays society
  • functionalist ideology
    -favours nuclear family
    -due to biological differences and how they perform 4 essential functions the best
  • the new right ideology
    -strongly against
    -nuclear > biologically natural
    economically superior
  • Murray - new right

    -particularly critical of lone parent families
    -women unable to discipline children > delinquency & bad
    -lone parents typically more reliant on state welfare > dependency
    culture & burdening taxpayers
  • new right - co-habitation
    -Bensons study
    -found in baby's first 3 years, parents 2.33x more likely to break up if they cohabit rather than marry
  • feminists argue
    -conventional family types oppress women due to patriarchal norms & values
    -gender roles socially constructed
    -sexist / mysogynistic saying how women can't discipline children
  • lone parents argue
    -not all lone parents raised delinquent children
  • the meaning of cohabitation
    -relationships are about the meaning of those involved
    -doesn't matter if you marry