Give one way in which food production might be more efficient from battery chickens than from free-range chickens. Give a reason for your answer
Limiting their movement reduces energy transfer
One product of anaerobic respiration is methane. Name two other products of anaerobic respiration.
Lactic acid
Deforestation results in an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Give two reasons why.
fewer trees to take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
decomposers respire releasing carbon dioxide
Explain why the presence of air results in a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the biogas.
Oxygen is present
Aerobic respirationoccurs
Carbon dioxide from respiration
The bladder wrack has many air bladders. The air bladders help the bladder wrack to float upwards when the sea covers it. Suggest how this helps the bladder wrack to survive.
Gets more light so there’s more photosynthesis
Waste water flows into stream
contains mineral ionsincreasinggrowth of algae
the algaeunderneathdie due to lack of light
decomposersfeed on decaying matter
the respiration of decomposers uses up all the oxygen so invertebratesdie due to lack of oxygen