Diseases of The Digestive System

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  • Tooth decay or cavity is a common disease of teeth, especially in children. It is characterized by the breakdown of teeth specifically on the enamel and dentin layers. This disease is caused by bacteria which produce acids that degrade teeth.
  • Plaque is a sticky film which contains saliva and tiny bits of food. It is commonly found in cracks and grooves of teeth, between teeth, dental fillings, and gum lines.
  • The use of fluoride prescribed by dentists can also prevent cavities. To fill the teeth with a cavity, dentists may either use an amalgam (mixture of liquid mercury and metal alloy) or composite resin (dental cement with synthetic resin).
  • Another disease in the mouth is gingivitis. It is an early stage of gum disease characterized by gum inflammation. Like tooth decay, its main cause is the accumulation of plaque. Plaque causes the production of harmful substances which irritate the gums. Plaque that remains on the teeth will eventually harden. These hardened plaques are called tartar, and will further collect bacteria.
  • If gingivitis is left untreated, it may cause a more serious and permanent damage of the teeth and jaw called periodontitis.
  • A common disease of the digestive system is constipation. It is characterized by irregular defecation or release of feces. The feces released is dry making defecation hard and sometimes painful in the lower part of the abdomen. Its common cause is when the large intestine removes too much water from digestive waste making the feces dry.
  • Diarrhea is characterized by abnormally loose and wet feces. It is commonly caused by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract brought by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Its symptoms are pain or cramps in the stomach, bloated feeling, thirstiness, and weight loss. There are also severe cases of diarrhea which are due to other diseases like inflammatory bowel disease or Crohn’s disease. This severe case of diarrhea is called chronic diarrhea. This type of diarrhea is characterized by having blood on the feces. Minor cases of diarrhea do not need medical attention.
  • Oral rehydration salts can be given to patients with diarrhea to replace the water, sugars, and electrolytes lost in the intestines. Antibiotics are also used if diarrhea is caused by bacteria.
  • Peptic ulcers are holes in the linings of the stomach or upper part of the small intestine. These holes are due to acids and enzymes which come in contact with the lining leading to internal wounding or burning.
  • Another disease similar to peptic ulcer is gastritis. It is the inflammation of the mucosa or the protective layer of the stomach. A thin protective layer of the stomach can lead to ulcers and internal bleeding. Gastritis can be prevented and treated similarly with peptic ulcers because of their nature. Severe gastritis may lead to stomach cancer if left untreated.
  • Peptic ulcers may cause another problem of the digestive system called indigestion. Indigestion (also called dyspepsia) is the recurring pain or discomfort in the upper portion of the abdomen. This disease is sometimes accompanied by chest pains called heartburn.