
Cards (32)

  • Swim Snorkel - This tool allows swimmers to focus on stroke technique without the interruption of turning the head to breathe.
  • Swimwear - Reduce friction and drag in the water, increasing the efficiency of the swimmer's forward motion
  • Swim Fins - Are crafted to help you learn how to swim faster and more efficiently.
  • Freestyle - is swum in a horizontal position with the body facing down.
  • Breaststroke - is swum with the body facing down. The arms perform semicircular movements, and the legs perform a frog kick.
  • Butterfly - is one of the major swimming styles, swum on the breast, with both arms moving simultaneously, accompanied by a "dolphin kick". 
  • Backstroke - or back crawl, uses alternating and opposite arm movements. As one arm pulls through the water from an overhead position to the hip, the other arm recovers above the water from the hip to the overhead position and vice versa.
  • High Hurdler Streamline Stretch - Extend one leg straight while the other is bent backward, foot close to your buttocks. Keep the foot that is extended in a flexed position. Bring your arms straight and tight to your head in a streamlined position, and hold this tall and with a flat lower back for 10 seconds.
  • Swimming - is an Individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one’s entire body to move through the water.
  • Warm Up - is a short activity or exercise undertaken before a more intensive exercise or activity.
  • Floats and Buoy - It is a floatation device that open-water swimmers use to increase their visibility in the water
    • The breaststroke is swum with the body facing down. The arms perform semicircular movements, and the legs perform a frog kick.
    • The legs perform a flutter kick, similar to the one used in the front crawl.
    • The butterfly stroke is one of the major swimming styles, swum on the breast, with both arms moving simultaneously, accompanied by a "dolphin kick". 
  • Childs Pose - Kneel on the floor, touching your big toes together and sitting on your heels. Reach your hands far in front of you as you push your shoulders down into the ground to feel the stretch.
  • Goal Pose Squeeze - Raise your arms in front of you with your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. Begin moving your arms back slowly, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together in the middle and maintaining a 90 degree angle.
  • Wall Press or Chest Press - Begin by facing the wall and extending your arm to place your palm against the wall. Your thumb should point towards the ceiling. Slowly rotate your torso away from your arm/wall until you feel the stretch in your chest and shoulders.
  • Goggles - or safety glasses are forms of protective eyewear that usually enclose or protect the eye to prevent water or chemicals from striking the eyes. 
  • Bubbling or Blowing Bubbles - Keep the arms straight, shoulder under water. Place the face in the water and push feet off the bottom.
  • Two Terminologies of Swimming
    • Blowing Bubbles
    • Kicking Legs
    2. FROG KICK
  • Swim Cap is an elastic cap made of plastic that goes over the head of a swimmer.
  • Hand paddles are lightweight tools great for improving and tweaking techniques.
    • To create buoyancy for your hips to bring your body position in line so you are more streamlined.
    • put in between your thighs, to show your lower body. 
    • Training aid in which can help to develop the lower body muscle groups and focus on kicking techniques for most swimming strokes.
    • Are specially designed to prevent water intrusion in the ear canal which can often lead to infection while swimming by the sea or in the pool.
    • Nose clips are designed to water from entering your nose whilst swimming
    • It can be used for a variety of swimming techniques and are excellent tool for teaching a child or adults to swim
  • GOAL POST ROTATION - Raise your arms to your side with your elbows bent forward and in line with your shoulders at a 90°(degree) angle. Rotate your arms up to the goal post position, without dropping your elbows below your shoulders.
  • STRAIGHT ARM SWING  - Begin in a standing position with one leg slightly more than a shoulder width apart from the other. With your knees slightly bent, lower your head down and place your forearm above the knee of your forward leg. Slowly rotate your opposite arm in a full circle to work the shoulder joint through its full range of motion.
  • HAMSTRING STREAMLINE STRETCH - Begin in a seated position and extend one leg straight while the other is bent inward with your foot close to your leg. Keep the foot that is extended in a flexed position. Bring your arms straight and tight to your head in a streamlined position. Hold this tall and with a flat lower back for 10 seconds. Then, while pushing your hips back, reach for your foot/ankle to stretch your hamstring for 10 more seconds. 
  • CAT-COW POSE - Start with your hands and knees on the floor in a tabletop position (knee are under hips, wrists under shoulders). Begin in a neutral spine position, keeping your back flat and engaging your core. Take a big deep inhale. As you exhale, round your spine up towards the ceiling, thinking about pulling your belly button up towards your spine, as well as pulling your shoulders up and away from the ground as you tuck your chest. Inhale again, curving your back in and letting your belly relax while lifting your head and tailbone up towards the sky.