Unit 3

Cards (27)

  • The Gestapo was part of the state police and wore no uniforms, and prosecuted anyone who critised Hitler
  • The reichstag fire happened in 1933 and blamed communists
  • Van de Lubbe was sentenced and was executed
  • 4000 communists were arrested
  • Hitler wrote a policy to enable him to arrest communists and people he didn’t support
  • Communists newspaper banned
  • The secret police would control and hear what people would say
  • Joseph Goebbels was the minister of propaganda and was responsible for the Nazi party's media
  • Nazi rallies were held every year at Nuremberg
  • Goebbels used newspapers, posters, films and radio broadcasting to spread nazi ideas
  • In 1927 Hitler had his first rally with 5000 members
  • In 1928, Hitler announced that Jews could not be members of the German army or civil service
  • In 1935, all Jewish children had to leave school by age 14
  • In 1928 there were only 60000 members but by 1932 it had grown to over 5 million members
  • In 1936, Jews couldn’t work as doctors, lawyers or teachers
  • By 1934 Hitler controlled all aspects of German life including education, religion and culture
  • Germany became an authoritarian state with no opposition allowed
  • By 1934 there were over 8 million members
  • Hitler wanted to make sure that all Germans knew about the Nazis so he set up a special department called the Reich Propaganda Ministry
  • Propaganda is information which tries to influence how people think or behave
  • Germany joined the League of Nations but they left it in October 1933 because they didn't want to follow its rules
  • The people’s receiver was a radio which doesn’t pick up foreign stations
  • The press was censored, it all had to be Nazi
  • There was mass rallies to increase the public appeal
  • The berlin Olympics happen in 1936
  • Held in germany and was the biggest stadium in the world
  • 33 medals were won