An independent attestation performed by an expert (auditor) who expresses an opinion regarding the presentation of financial statements
External audit
Performed by Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) from public accounting firms independent of the client organization being audited
Objective is to assure the fair presentation of financial statements
Often referred to as financial audits
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires all publicly traded companies to be subject to a financial audit annually
Interests represented by CPAs conducting financial audits
Government agencies
General public
CPA'srolein an audit
Similar to a judge who collects and evaluates evidence and renders an opinion
Key concept is independence
Independence in auditing
Auditor must remain independent from the client organization throughout the audit process
Publicconfidence in the reliability of a company's internally produced financial statements relies on evaluation by an independent auditor
Authorities defining rules for financial audits
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
American Institute of CPA (AICPA)
Federallaw (Sarbanes-OxleyActof2002)
With the passage of the Sarbanes-OxleyActof2002, Congress established the PublicCompanyAccountingOversightBoard (PCAOB) to oversee financial auditing
PCAOB has replaced some functions of the FASB and AICPA under federallaw
Attestservice is an engagement where a practitioner issues a written communication expressing a conclusion about the reliability of a written assertion that is the responsibility of another party
Attestation services
Require written assertions and a practitioner's written report
Require the formal establishment of measurement criteria and their description in the presentation
Advisory services
Professional services offered by public accounting firms to improve their client organizations' operational efficiency and effectiveness
The domain of advisoryservices is intentionally unbounded
Advisory services
Actuarial advice
Business advice
Fraud investigation services
Informationsystemdesign and implementation
Internalcontrolassessments for compliance with SOX
SOX legislation
Prior to the passage of SOX
Accounting firms could provide advisoryservices concurrently to audit (attest function) clients
SOX legislation
Greatly restricts the types of nonaudit services that auditors may render to audit clients
Non-permissible services for registered public accounting firms
Bookkeeping or other services related to the accounting records or financial statements of the audit client
Financialinformationsystemsdesign and implementation
Appraisal or valuationservices,fairnessopinions, or contribution-in kind reports actuarial services
Internal audit outsourcing services
Management functions or human resources
Broker or dealer,investment adviser, or investment banking services
Legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit
Any other service that the board determines, by regulation, is impermissible
The Institute of InternalAuditors (IA) defines internalauditing as an independentappraisal function established within an organization to examine and evaluate its activitiesas a service to the organization' Internal auditors perform a wide range of activities onbehalf of the organization, including conducting financial audits, examining an operation's
Internal auditors are often certified as a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) or
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).
Conceptual distinction between external auditors and internal auditors
External auditors represent outsiders, internal auditors represent the interests of the organization
Internal auditors often cooperate with and assist external auditors in performing aspects of financial audits to achieve audit efficiency and reduce audit fees
Cooperation between internal and external auditors
Internal auditors can perform tests of computer controls under the supervision of a single external auditor
Implies no subordination of judgment to another, arises from an independent mental attitude that views events on a factual basis without influence from an organizational structure that subordinates the internal audit function
Some internal audit departments report directly to the controller, compromising internal auditor's independence and prohibiting external auditors from relying on evidence provided by them
A truly independent internal audit staff adds value to the audit process
Value added by independent internal audit staff
Internal auditors can gather audit evidence throughout a fiscal period, which external auditors may then use at the year's end to conduct more efficient, less disruptive, and less costly audits of the organization's financial statements
while external auditors represent outsiders, internal auditors represent the interests of the organization.
Fraudaudits have increased in popularity as a corporate governance tool
Fraud audits have become popular
Due to an increase in employee theft of assets and major financial frauds by management
Major financial frauds
Fraudaudits are sometimes initiated by
Corporate management who suspect employee fraud
Fraud auditors
Earned the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) certification, which is governed by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)
The board of directors of publicly traded companies form a subcommittee known as the audit committee, which has special responsibilities regarding audits. This commit- tee usually consists of three people who should be outsiders
With the advent of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, at least one member of the audit committee must be a "financialexpert."
Audit committee
An independent "checkandbalance" for the internal audit function and liaison with external auditors
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Significant changes imposed on the relationship between management and the external auditors
SOX mandates that external auditors now report to the audit committee who hire and fire auditors and resolve disputes
Audit committee
Willing to challenge the internal auditors or the entity performing that function as well as management