main components

Cards (19)

  • the four components of dream analysis: dreams as wish fulfillment, symbolic nature of dreams, dream diary, role of the therapist
  • Freud believed that all dreams were the unconscious fulfilment of wishes known as primary-process thought
  • Dreams protect the sleeper and allows us to live out some of these desires
  • however, the repression of these desires are seen as the source of mental and behavioural disorders
  • the therapy aims to interpret dreams to uncover the true wishes they represent
  • Dream analysis works on the principle that what the dreamer recalls is actually the symbolic representation of the truth.
  • latent content= the true wishes and desires
  • manifest content= how these desires are symbolised
  • dreamwork= the process of changing the latent content into the manifest content
  • Between therapy sessions, the client may be asked to record their dreams on waking
  • they do this in a dream diary
  • the manifest content recorded is the basis for discussion during sessions
  • the role of the therapist is to reverse the dreamwork process
  • by decoding the manifest content back to latent content
  • Freud emphasised that only trained psychoanalysts should do this
  • the therapist identifies symbols within the dreams and the client free associates
  • free associate= client is encouraged to verbalise or write all thoughts that come to mind
  • free association is not a linear thought process but an incoherent stream of words and memories
  • this could reveal connections that might otherwise go uncovered