Cards (33)

  • what did the church teach about God?
    God was the cause of disease because he was displeased with them or testing their faith.
  • how was astrology a belief about cause of disease?โ€จ
    alignments of planets and stars was thought to cause some diseases and helped with diagnosis from studying birth charts.
  • who ran the universities physicians were trained at?
    the church.
  • how did the church control ideas?
    ~ church dictated what books were taught.
    ~ only approved of traditional, rational explanations that benefitted religious views (ie. Galen).
  • what was the theory of the four humours?
    a mix of four aspects of health and if there was an imbalance in your humours, you were ill.
  • what are the four humours?
    ~ blood.
    ~ yellow bile.
    ~ black bile.
    ~ phlegm.
  • who created the theory of the four humours and when were they alive?
    Hippocrates in ancient Greece.
  • what is the theory of opposites?โ€จ
    aims to balance the humours by giving the patient the 'opposite' of their symptoms.
  • who created the theory of opposites?
  • what did Galen do?
    carried out dissections on pigs.
  • what did Hippocrates write?โ€จ
    the hippocratic oath, which all doctors have to take.
  • what was miasma?โ€จ
    a 'bad air' that would transmit disease.
  • what was bloodletting used to treat?โ€จ
    an imbalance of blood in the body.
  • what were the three methods of bloodletting?โ€จ
    ~ cutting a vein.
    ~ using leeches.
    ~ cupping.
  • what was purging?โ€จ
    either making a patient vomit or go to the toilet to remove food from the body.
  • what were traditional remedies composed of?
    herbs and plants.
  • how would traditional remedies have been used?
    ~ drinking them.
    ~ sniffing them.
    ~ bathing in them.
  • what were religious treatments of illness?
    ~ praying.
    ~ fasting.
    ~ going on a pilgrimage.
  • what was the supernatural treatment for toothache?
    hanging a magpie's beak around your neck.
  • what were the religious/supernatural prevention methods?
    ~ living a religious life.
    ~ chanting incantations.
    ~ self-punishment.
    ~ carrying a lucky charm.
  • what were the rational prevention methods?
    ~ keeping streets clean.
    ~ bathing and washing yourself.
    ~ eating a reasonable amount.
    ~ four humours treatments.
  • who were barber-surgeons?โ€จ
    ~ had no formal training.
    ~ did basic surgeries such as amputations.
    ~ low cost.
  • who were apothecaries?โ€จ
    ~ received training but had no qualifications.
    ~ mixed medicine and herbal remedies.
    ~ cost money.
  • who were physicians?โ€จ
    ~ medically trained at universities and passed exams.
    ~ diagnosed illnesses.
    ~ expensive.
  • what was the most common place to receive care?
    at home by a female family member.
  • how would a physician assess the extent of an illness?
    ~ look at symptoms such as pulse, skin colour.
    ~ taste urine and look at urine charts.
    ~ examine astrological and zodiac charts.
  • who ran the hospitals?
    monks and nuns at the church.
  • did hospitals actually treat disease?
    no: they were commonly just places to rest and eat food.
  • what year was the black death?
    1348 and 1349.
  • how did people think the black death was caused?
    ~ religion (as a punishment for sin).
    ~ four humours (many imbalances).
    ~ miasma (from decaying rubbish).
  • how did people try to avoid catching the black death?
    ~ praying (to apologise to God).
    ~ carrying herbs and spices with them.
  • what were the symptoms of the black death?
    ~ buboes (large lumps full of pus).
    ~ fever and chills.
    ~ headaches.
    ~ severe pain in the abdomen.
  • how did people attempt to cure the black death?
    ~ praying.
    ~ cutting open the buboes.