Animal cell technology

Cards (25)

  • What is homogenous
    one layer thick
  • why use cell culture
    can control
    can isolate single cells which can grow into a colony of genetically homogenous clone cells
    can manipulate
    can examine effects of treatments of intracellular events more easily
    no ethical issues
  • How to grow cell in culture?
    isolate cells
    1. use a growth media with amino acids, vitamins, salts, glucose
    2. They are typically included with serum (fetal bovine serum)
    3. NEED sterile conditions (double time human 24-30 hrs)- so no out competition from bacteria
    4. Need correct pH and osmolarity - so use buffers (phosphate-buffered saline)
    5. Most media has an indicator (usually indicating pH has changed)
    6. grow on special solid surfaces
  • What occurs when cells use up all growth materia
    they release co2 and other things that cause a toxic external environment
  • stages of tissue culture:
    1. generate a primary culture
    2. growth cells to produce a primary cell line
    3. senescene
    4. few cells form a cell line
  • Which cells are appropriate for cell culture
    hardy skin cell are a good example
  • how to establish cells for a primary culture
    Extract cells from tissue using trypsin (protease)
  • what is contact inhibition
    when cell are in contact with out cells or surface of plate they will stop growing
  • How to make a cell culture last longer
    In order for them to keep growing, put more trypsin into cell plate, which deattaches them from dish and together,
    Put in to fresh media
  • Why do some cells escape senescene
  • What are the cell called that escape senescene
    cell line (cancerous)
  • Positive characteristic of cell line
  • who is Henrietta Lacks
    Had cells stolen from her carcinoma of uterine cervix, which is used for cell development
  • negative characteristics of cell lines
    Anchorage independent – do not require a surface to grow on
    Reduced requirement for growth factors
    Motile – move around culture dish
    No contact inhibition of growth – cells grow on top of each other
    Tumourigenic – will form tumours if injected into mice
    Less differentiated – lose specialised characteristics
  • What can you do with cell lines
    protein production
    tissue engineering
  • Describe cell line making proteins
    antibody production
    (polyclonal and monoclonal)
  • How to generate a monoclonal antibody
    Form a hybrid cell (two cells fused together) = hybridomas
    Mouse tumour cells are cultured fused with a mouse spleen cells
  • use of monoclonal antibodies
    Research (for detection or purify antigens by affinity chromatography)
    therapy (herceptin)
  • sources of stem cells
    embryonic stem cell
    adult stem cell
  • Advantages and disadvantage of embryonic stem cells
    •        Advantages: Pluripotent – can form any cell type in the human body
    •        Disadvantages: Not genetically identical to patient, Difficult to culture, Ethical/moral difficulties
  • Advantages and disadvantages of adult stem cells
    •        Advantage: Patient’s own cells – genetically identical
    •        No ethical concerns
    •        Multipotent: Form limited number of cell types
  • master regulator cells:
    Sox 2
  • How to produce induced pluripotent stem cells:
    remove skin cells
    treat cells so they differentiate
    return cells to patient where they can repair damage tissue
  • Direct reprogramming:
    Somatic cell to become another cell type directly
  • How to use direct reprogramming
    Transgene overexpression using viruses
    changing endogenous gene expressing using CRISPR /cas 9 or pharmacological agents