Photorespiration - a process that occurs in plants and some bacteria that converts glucose into lactate
2-C compound that is rapidly converted to glycolate and subsequently metabolized in the process
PCO cycle
C2 photorespiratory carbon oxidation
Process wherein RuBisCO oxygenates RuBP
PCO cycle
T or F: Does PCO cycle occur in green tissues in response to high CO2:O2 ratios
T or F: Does photorespiration occur more at high temperature and high irradiance?
T or F: the reason for the occurrence of photorespiration
The substrate specificity of RuBisCO shifts in favor of O2 as temperature rises
T or F: the reason for the occurrence of photorespiration
Leaf CO2 concentration ([CO2]) becomes very low at high irradiance largely due to rapid photosynthesis and low [CO2] favors oxygenation
T or F: Photorespiration requires the cooperative interaction of chloroplast, peroxisome, and mesophyll
T or F: RuBisCO fixes CO2 3.4x more than O2
This pathway salvages 75% of the carbon from glycolate from the C2 cycle and 25% of the carbon is lost
PCO cycle
T or F: at higher temperature solubility of carbon dioxide decreases
T or F: reason for the importance of photorespiration
Internal cellular recycling of 3 gases: CO2, O2, and NH3
T or F: reason for the importance photorespiration
Glycolate can decrease levels of oxygen hence oxidative photodestruction of photosynthetic apparatus is prevented particularly during high irradiance
T or F: reason for the importance photorespiration
Physiological defense against high irradiance and thermal load excess -> ATP and NADPH are used by the process -> excess photochemical energy is dissipated
T or F: reason for the importance of photorespiration
Contribution to cell amino pool (glycine and tyrosine)
T or F: reason for the importance of photorespiration
Response to niche diversification scheme
T or F: Photorespiration does not occur in many plants
T or F: Angiosperms have 2 types of carbon assimilation pathway exhibiting CO2 concentrating mechanism: C3 cycle and CAM cycle
CCM - CO2-concentrating mechanism
T or F: plants in desert environments do C4 photosynthetic carbon fixation