Democritus & Leucippus - said that all matter is composed of atom in the world
John Dalton - presented evidence that atoms are the smallest particle
James Chadwick - discovered neutrons
Neutrons - is a particle with no electric charge and is a part of an atom
Eugen Goldstein - discovered the evidence of protons, the positively charged protons which is a part of an atom
JJ. Thomson - experimented and found out about electrons in atoms
Plum Pudding Model - created by JJ. Thomson, this model proved that the atom is a sphere of positve and negative charged electrons
Ernest Rutherford - decribed the model as the atom as a tiny, dense, positively charged core called a nucleus, in which nearly all the mass are charged
Ernest Rutherford - he compared the electrons as a planet orbiting the sun
Neils Bohr - proposed a model of the atom which the electrons can only orbit a certain way/times