s47 eval

Cards (9)

  • pro - there is a sliding scale of punishment so the more serious offences have a worser punishment
  • pro - OAPA has been around for over 150 years and has established case law that works alongside it to give additional definitions that the statute might not provide
  • pro - new case law can set precedent if needed to
  • con - same as assault and battery when there is a different punishment for it
  • con - out of date - doesnt include other things such as mental harm
  • con - same mens rea as assault/battery but harsher sentence
  • con - doesnt conform to 'correspondence principle' - can be guilty of s47 without intending injury
  • con - same maximum sentence as s20 but there is less harm which is required - does not reflect blameworthiness
  • reforms - LC 2015 proposals support this - D is guilty if intentionally or recklessly cause injury to another person