Cards (47)

  • Personal Hygiene
    Measures for personal cleanliness and grooming
  • Room environment, Equipment, Hygiene care schedule
    Factors influencing Hygiene
  • Early AM, After breakfast, Afternoon, PM care, Provide as needed
    Hygiene care schedule
  • For a person in coma, Incontinent person, Diaphoretic person
    Provide as needed (Hygiene care schedule)
  • Maintain skin integrity, Prevent skin impairment, Promote adequate circulation, Promote hydration, Promote communication
    Purpose of Hygiene
  • Defense against infection, Defense of awareness, Controls body temperature
    Definitions of Intact Skin
  • Color, texture, thickness, turgor, temperature, Hydration
    Assessment of Intact Skin
  • Daily skin inspection and documentation
    is an important part of skin care and prevention of decubitus ulcers
  • prevent complications or skin impairment
    Nursing goal of Intact Skin
  • Skin
    is the largest organ in the body and serves a variety of important functions in maintaining health and protecting the individual from injury.
  • Intact skin
    refers to the presence of normal skin and skin layers uninterrupted by wounds.
  • Wound
    is a breakdown in the protective function of the skin; the loss of continuity of epithelium, with or without loss of underlying connective tissue (i.e. muscle, bone, nerves) following injury to the skin or underlying tissues/ organs caused by surgery, a blow, a cut, chemicals, heat/ cold, friction/ shear force, pressure or as a result of disease, such as leg ulcers or carcinomas
  • Intentional trauma
    occurs during therapy. Examples are operations or venipuncture. Although removing a tumor, for example, is therapeutic, the surgeon must cut into body tissues, thus traumatizing them.
  • Unintentional wounds
    are accidental; for example, a person may fracture an arm in an automobile collision. If the tissues are traumatized without a break in the skin, the wound is closed. The wound is open when the skin or mucous membrane surface is broken.
  • Open wound
    when the skin or mucous membrane surface is broken.
  • Closed wound
    the tissues are traumatized without a break in the skin
  • Dressing
    is a sterile pad or compress applied to a wound to promote healing and protect the wound from further harm.
  • dressing
    is designed to be in direct contact with the wound,
  • bandage,

    which is most often used to hold a dressing in place.
  • atelectasis
    collapse of the alveoli
  • Heat and cold
    are applied to the body for local and systemic effects
  • Heat
    has been a long-standing remedy for aches and pains, and people often equate ___ with comfort and relief.
  • Heat
    causes vasodilation and increases blood flow to the affected area, bringing oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and leukocytes.
  • Heat
    is often used for clients with musculoskeletal problems such as joint stiffness from arthritis, contractures, and low back pain.
  • Cold
    lowers the temperature of the skin and underlying tissues and causes vasoconstriction.
  • Vasoconstriction
    reduces blood flow to the affected area and thus reduces the supply of oxygen and metabolites, decreases the removal of wastes, and produces skin pallor and coolness.
  • Cold
    is most often used for sports injuries (e.g., sprains, strains, fractures) to limit post injury swelling and bleeding.
  • Heat
    Sedative effect
  • Cold
    Local anesthetic effect
  • The application of heat promotes soft tissue healing and increases suppuration.
  • Heat
  • Heat
    Increases capillary permeability
  • Heat
    Increases cellular metabolism
  • Heat
    Increases inflammation and Slows bacterial growth
  • Cold
  • Cold
    Decreases capillary permeability
  • Cold
    Decreases cellular metabolism
  • Cold
    decreases inflammation
  • Heat
    in Muscle spasm, it Relaxes muscles and increases their contractility.
  • Cold
    in Muscle spasms, Relaxes muscles, and decreases muscle contractility.