climate change

Cards (16)

  • Greenhouse Effect
    The natural warming process of the Earth that results when gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the earth that would otherwise escape into space
  • Greenhouse Gases
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Methane
    • Nitrous oxide
    • Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs)
    • Per fluorocarbons (PFCs)
    • Sulfur hexafluoride
    • Water vapor
  • Global Warming
    Caused by factors such as man-made, anthropogenic, or natural. Examples include the release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands, and burning of fossil fuels resulting in pollution
  • Global warming can bring sea levels to rise due to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, leading to severe weather disturbances like strong typhoons, heavier rainfalls, and climate change
  • The greenhouse effect, where the earth’s atmosphere accumulates additional greenhouse gases and traps the earth’s infrared radiation, raises the earth’s temperature and causes climate change
  • Deforestation is the primary cause of carbon dioxide release because forests and trees store carbon dioxide
  • Key indicators of global climate change
    • Land and ocean temperature increase
    • Rising ocean levels
    • Melting of ice at Earth’s poles and in mountain glaciers
    • Severe and frequent changes in extreme weather phenomena like hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, droughts, floods, and precipitation
    • Cloud and vegetation cover changes
    • Among the different greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide absorbs the least amount of energy
    • Global warming is caused by several factors such as man-made, anthropogenic, or natural
    • Burning fossil fuels is one of the man-made causes of global warming resulting to pollution
    • When fossil fuel is burned it gives off carbon dioxide
    • Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere trap the heat, that should be reflected back to the outer space, and contributed much to the increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature
    • El Niño is a lengthy warming in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean
    • Normally, as trade wind moves from east to west, it collects warm air
    • But when trade winds is weakened, it causes the piling up of warm surface water and making the part of the Pacific Ocean warmer leading to El Niño phenomenon
  • La Niña
    • This event is triggered by the cooling of the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean