Reviewer - Dev Com

Cards (56)

  • Societal Issues
    • Poverty
    • Lack of Education
    • Pollution
    • Unemployment
    • Underemployment
    • Malnutrition
    • Overnutrition
    • RA 7610
    • Emotional Abuse
    • Neglect
  • Poverty
    A societal problem about not having enough money to meet basic needs
  • Lack of Education
    A state where people have a below-average level of common knowledge about basic things needed in daily life
  • Pollution
    The presence of contaminants into the natural environment that triggers adverse change
  • Unemployment
    When an individual who is not employed and is seeking employment, cannot find work
  • Underemployment
    When a job requires skills that are below what one is trained for
  • Malnutrition
    Deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization
  • Overnutrition
    Prevalent in the West where the poor, who cannot afford gyms and diet programs, are obese
  • RA 7610 provides special protection against child abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
    A type of child abuse where a child is repeatedly made to feel worthless or unloved
  • Neglect
    A type of child abuse where a parent fails to provide for a child’s needs
  • Elements of Communication
    • Source
    • Receiver
    • Message
    • Channel
    • Effect
    • Feedback
  • Source
    A person or group of persons with a purpose for engaging in communication, initiates the communication process
  • Receiver
    The person or group of persons at the other end of the communication process, the target of communication
  • Message
    What a source transmits, expressed as an idea, purpose, or intention translated into a code or set of symbols
  • Channel
    Modes of encoding and decoding messages
    message vehicles,
    and vehicle carriers
  • Effect
    The outcome of communication or the response of the receiver to the message of the source
  • Feedback
    Messages encoded by an individual fed back into the system by the decoder, seeking constant feedback in human communication
  • Berlo (1960): '“when an individual communicates with himself, the messages he encodes are fed back into his system by his decoder.” This is feedback. In human communication, we constantly seek feedback. Thus, we check on our communication, on our messages, on what our receivers understand of our message. A communication response is feedback to both source and receiver.'
  • Intrapersonal communication
    Involves communication with oneself. Individuals talk to themselves before making major decisions
  • Interpersonal communication
    Often defined as face-to-face communication
  • Mass communication
    Comprises the institutions and techniques by which specialized groups employ technological devices (press, radio, films, etc.) to disseminate symbolic content to large, heterogeneous, and widely dispersed audiences
  • Media of communication
    • Radio
    • Television
  • Radio
    • Available in almost all countries, reaching mass audiences cheaply and rapidly
    • Advantages: available and affordable, can repeat messages at low cost, reaches illiterate audiences, supports other communication channels, announces events and developments as they happen, flexible in style, creates awareness and sets agenda of priorities for people’s attention
    • Disadvantages: cannot illustrate complicated technical concepts, gauge immediate audience reaction, provide or respond to immediate feedback, repeat messages upon demand, pace itself according to audience needs, overcome some geographical barriers to reach the remotest communities
  • Community radio station
    • Radyo DZLB, the community broadcasting station run by the College of Development Communication of UP Los Baños
  • Radyo DZLB is a prime example of a community radio station that provides nonformal education for rural folk through the school-on-the-air (SOA) concept
  • Television combines sound and picture, making it successful in reaching out to both literate and illiterate audiences
  • Main disadvantage of television is accessibility and availability
  • In areas where television sets are available, reception may be poor
  • Educational/development shows on television face severe competition from entertainment programs
  • Preparation of development communication programs for TV requires much planning, preparation, technical, creative, and communication skills than for other media
  • Barghouti, 1975: 'Educational/development shows face severe competition from entertainment programs'
  • Barghouti, 1975: 'Preparation of development communication programs for TV requires much planning, preparation, technical, creative, and communication skills than for other media'
  • Barghouti, 1975: 'It costs plenty of money to produce and air TV programs'
  • Philippine Information Agency data show that fewer Filipinos read newspapers than listen to the radio or watch TV
  • Barghouti, 1973: 'Newspapers can present technical data in clearly designed text and provide detailed information'
  • Barghouti, 1973: 'Important topics can be covered in a series of articles in newspapers'
  • Advantages of newspapers in development communication

    • Present technical data clearly
    • Provide detailed information
    • Cover important topics in a series of articles
    • Influential in creating awareness and mobilizing public opinion
    • Articles can be shared or kept as reference materials
  • Newspaper - Its audience is limited to those who can read
  • Newspapers are relatively expensive