Cards (6)

  • Variation - Differences that exist between individuals. Variations occur within species and between species
  • Intraspecific - within a species
  • Interspecific - between different species
  • Continuous variation
    Quantitative (numerical) differences in the observable characteristics or phenotypes
    • variation can have a full range of values or phenotypes
    • two extremes with a range of values in between
    • can be measured, and the value can change over time
    • pattern shows a normal distribution curve – few individuals at the extremes
  • Discontinuous variation
    Qualitative (descriptive) differences in the observable characteristics or phenotype
    • few discrete values the feature can have
    • two or more distinct categories with no intermediate values (e.g eye colour, sex,)
    • Members of a species may be evenly distributed between the different forms, or there may be more of one type than another
    • caused by genes and isn't effected by environment
  • Discontinuous variation
    • Qualitative (descriptive) differences phenotype
    • few discrete values the feature can have
    • two or more distinct categories with no intermediate values (e.g eye colour, sex,)
    • Members of a species may be evenly distributed between the different forms, or there may be more of one type than another
    • caused by genes and isn't effected by environment
    • Represented via bar chart