Cards (7)

  • What impact did WW1 have on USA politics?
    ☆Isolationism= Anti International intervention and identity.
    ☆Wilson blamed for involvement in the war making Democrats less popular.
    ☆Republicanism became more popular and Harding became president.
  • What was Harding's Campaign slogan?
    'Return to normalcy'
  • What laws made buying American easier?
    ☆Fordney Mcumber Act 1922 = High tarriffs on foreign goods.
  • How many people died during WW1?
    Over 100,000 deaths.
  • Evidence of Isolationism.
    The USA refused to join the League of Nations in 1928.
  • Impact on immigration:
    ⭐️ 1921/ 1924 Emergency Quota Act = Restricted immigration to 357,000-150,000 a year.
  • Economic turmoil:
    Unemployment rose from 950,000-over 5million, from 1919-1921.