Cards (11)

  • What is horaton?

    world of the shadows.
  • what is metempsychosis
    reincarnation. when you die physically, your soul turns into another body
  • what is anamnesis?

    Recollection of the souls knowledge throughout a persons life/Remembering what you already know
  • what is eikasia?
  • what is noeton?
    world of the form
  • what is tripartite? 

    Theory of the soul.
    1. Rational aspect ( charioteer) reason
    2. Spiritual aspect (will/drive/emotion)
    3. appetitive aspect (bodily desire)
  • "The body is the source of endless trouble"_ Plato
  • What are the strengths?
    • Inherent knowledge (maths)
    • Comforting (purpose, etc)
    • Relationship between body and soul is logical
    • This world does seem to inhibit knowledge
  • What are weaknesses?
    • unfounded- no physical/ little evidence
    • undermines effort (elitist)
    • assumes an afterlife
    • idealistic ( a priori knowledge)
  • what is platos view on the body?

    it was changing, unintelligible and mortal.
  • what is platos view on the soul?

    it was unchangeable, immortal and split into 3 parts: rational, spiritual and appetitve