Menstrual cycle

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  • Menstrual cycle has 4 stages
  • Stage 1 is when the uterus breaks down for about 4 days
  • Stage 2 is when the uterus lining builds back up again during day 4-14, into a thick spongey layer ready to receive a fertilised egg
  • Stage 3 is when an egg develops and is released from the ovary at day 14
  • Day 14 is day of ovulation
  • Stage 4 s when the wall is then maintained until day 28, if not fertilised then the lining breaks down and the cycle repeats
  • The menstrual cycle is controlled by 4 hormones - FSH, LH, Progesterone, Oestrogen
  • FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone
  • FSH produced by the pituitary gland
  • FSH causes the egg to mature and stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen
  • Oestrogen is produced in the ovaries
  • Oestrogen causes the lining of the uterus to grow and stimulates release of LH and inhibits the release of FSH
  • LH stands for luteinising hormone
  • LH is produce by the pituitary gland
  • LH causes release of egg in ovulation
  • Progesterone is produced in the ovaries by remains of follicle after ovulation
  • Progestrerone maintains lining of the uterus during second half of the cycle, when levels fall= lining breaks down
  • Progesterone inhibits the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland
  • You can use oestrogen to prevent the release of an egg - form of contraception as if levels remain high it inhibits the release of FSH, egg production and development stop
  • Progesterone can also reduce fertility by stimulating the production of thick mucous which stops sperm getting though
  • Combined contraceptive pill is made up of oestrogen and progesterone
  • Combined contraceptive pill is 99% effective at pregnancy prevention but has side effects and it doesn't stop STIs
  • Progesterone only pill has fewer side effects and is just as effective
  • Other contaceptives include - patch, injection, implant and IUD
  • Patch is stuck to the skin and lasts 1 week, contains oestrogen and progesterone
  • Implant is inserted under skin of arm, releases a continuous amount of progesterone, stopping the ovaries releasing eggs. Can last 3 years. Makes it hard for a sperm to swim and hard for fertilised egg to implant in the uterus
  • Injection contains progesterone and lasts 2-3 months
  • IUD is a T shaped device that's inserted in the uterus and kills sperm and prevents implantation of fertilised egg
  • Plastic IUDs release progesterone
  • Copper IUDs stop sperm surviving
  • Barriers to stop sperm and egg meeting include condoms, female condoms, diaphragm and spermicide
  • Condoms are the only thing that will protect against STIs
  • Diaphragm is a shallow plastic cup that fits over cervix but it must be used with a spermicide
  • A spermicide disables or kills sperm, can be used alone but it's only 70-80% effective
  • To avoid pregnancy completely the only options are sterilisation, abstinence or natural methods
  • Natural methods is avoiding intercourse on days woman is most fertile but it isn't very effective
  • Abstinence is just not having intercourse
  • Sterilisation is cutting or tying fallopian tubes or sperm ducts, it's permenant but there's a small chance they'll reconnect
  • Hormones can be used to increase fertility
  • Some womens' FSH levels are too low to cause eggs to mature so they can't get pregnant