Subdecks (1)

Cards (135)

  • Identify the parts
    A) temporalis
    B) depressor mandibulae
    C) masseter
  • Masseter origin is tympanic ring and adjacent bones
  • Masseter insertion is lower jaw, behind temporal
  • Masseter and Temporalis closes the mouth
  • Temporalis origin is at the side of the skull between eye and tympanic ring
  • Temporalis insertion is near posterior end of the lower jaw
  • Depressor Mandibulae origin is at posterior edge of the tympanic ring via dorsal fascia
  • Depressor mandibulae insertion is at posterior-most end of the lower jaw
  • Depressor mandibulae action is it opens the mouth
  • Label the parts
    A) dorsalis scapulae
    B) latissimus dorsi
    C) longissimus dorsi
    D) ilio-lumbaris
    E) coccygeo-sacralis
    F) gluteus
    G) coccygeo-iliacus
  • Dorsalis scapulae origin is at scapula
  • Dorsalis scapulae insertion is at the tendon joining the latissimus dorsi
  • Dorsalis scapulae action is it raises arms towards body
  • LatissimusDorsi origin is at dorsal fascia
  • LatissimusDorsi insertion is on deltoid chest
  • LatissimusDorsi action is it raises arm dorsally
  • Label the parts
    A) dorsalis scapulae
    B) LatissimusDorsi
    C) LongissimusDorsi
    D) coccygeo-sacralis
    E) coccygeo-iliacus
    F) ilio-lumbaris
    G) gluteus
  • LongissimusDorsi origin is in urostyle
  • LongissimusDorsi insertion is in vertebrae and the back of the skull
  • LongissimusDorsi action is it straightens the back and raises the head
  • Ilio-lumbaris origin is at the anterior end of the ilium
  • Ilio-lumbaris insertion is in transverse process of sacral vertebra
  • Ilio-lumbaris acts as an extensor of the back
  • Coccygeo-sacralis and coccygeo-iliacus origin at the periphery of the urostyle
  • Coccygeo-sacralis insertion is in the transverse process of the 9th sacral vertebra
  • Coccygeo-sacralis singly turns the back and raises it
  • Coccygeo-iliacus insertion is in the anterior part of the ilium
  • Coccygeo-iliacus holds urostyle in place
  • Gluteus origin is at the middle of the lateral surface of the ilium
  • Gluteus insertion is at the anterior side of head of femur
  • Gluteus draws thigh forward and upward
  • Label the part
  • Triceps Femoris origin is at pelvic girdle
  • Triceps femoris is an extensor of the shank
  • Biceps femoris origin is at the crest of the ilium above the acetabulum
  • Biceps femoris insertion is in distal part of the femur and posterior border of the tibio-fibula
  • Biceps femoris adducts the thigh against the trunk, also extend the shank
  • Semimembranosus origin is on the dorsal side of the ischium
  • Gracilis muscles origin is in the edge of the ischium
  • Gracilis muscles insertion is in inner side of the tibio-fibula below the head