Transcendentalism: a philosophical, spiritual, and literary movement that developed in the late 1820s and 1830s in the New England region of the United States
Transcendentalism started in Germany
Transcendentalism is a sub category of Romantism
Some leaders of Transcendentalism
Women's Rights Activist
Very famous Transcendentalist
Died 1815
Transcendental Club
The Transcendental Club was a group of New England authors, philosophers, socialists, politicians and intellectuals of the early-to-mid-19th century which gave rise to Transcendentalism
They had magazine named "The Dial"(Named after a Sun dial)
They lived in Brook Farm in Boston, Massachusetts
The BlithedaleRomance
A satire that written about the Brook Farm communal living
Written by Nathan Hawthrone
Transcendentalism Beliefs
God is in all things, at all times, in the here and now
God is everywhere
Oversoul is what they call god
God didn't look like a human, but a amoeba/shapeless spirit
Humans and Nature are a projection of the Oversoul/God
The humanmind is how to feel the Oversoul
Transcendentalism Beliefs con
The most important part of the mind "Reason/Intuition" is what allows us to sense and feel the spiritual force that's in everything
We can't understand an ethereal/ethereal God, but that doesn't mean we can't sense feel the presence of God/Oversoul
Philosophy of Action
When we lose sight of God, you must turn to nature to find your spiritually
Don't ever emphasis the physical
Everything in the world is good
Transcendentalism is the evolution of Deism
Deism: God made stuff and then took a step back
Transcendentalism: God is always interacting with the world
Transcendentalists deny the existence of evil the real world
Dualism: The dual concepts of good and evil are crucial to maintain the balance of the world
Ralph Waldo Emerson rules
God reveals himself at all times in the here and now
Nature reveals God
Reason/Intuition allows us to sense and feel God's presence in Nature and ourselves
Reason can "redeem" man but making him aware of his own spiritually
"Make your own bible"
Ralph Waldo Emerson wants us to think new in "Nature"
Emerson says in his essay that you're never alone when you're in a library/study because of the literary works around you and the only way to be truly alone is to go outside
"In the woods, is perpetual youth"
Emerson believes we as a society are too busy to actually see God.
Higher Laws
Spiritually laws which are over physical laws
Nature is here to remind us of God.(Emerson's "Nature")
"In the woods, we return to reason and faith"
Beauty is subjective and in the center of it is mysterious.(Emerson's "Nature")
"The world thus exists to the soul to satisfy the desire of beauty"
"No reason can be asked or given why the soul seeks beauty"
Emerson's Language rules
Words are signs of natural facts
Certain natural facts are symbols of particular spiritual facts