Lecture 12: Sea Level Rise

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  • Warm water is less dense than cold water
  • As water warms
    It expands and takes up more room
  • Thermal expansion
    As water gets hotter, it expands, similar to how steam expands when heated, causing the sea level to rise
  • Thermal expansion causes the sea level to rise as the ocean warms up
  • Melting of continental glaciers
    Warmer temperatures cause ice in glaciers to melt, and the water runs into the ocean, leading to a decrease in the size of glaciers and more water entering the ocean
  • Scientists track the worldwide melting of glaciers and the water entering the ocean
  • Greenland and Antarctic melting contribute significantly to sea level rise
  • Greenland and Antarctica have enormous ice sheets that are melting due to global warming
  • Feedback loops exacerbate the melting of ice in Greenland and Antarctica
  • Greenland melting affects the water in the North Atlantic, making it fresher
  • There has been a significant loss of ice in Greenland and Antarctica over the last 16 years
  • Ice loss is measured in meters per year
  • Ice loss contributes to rising sea levels
  • Sea level rise in Chesapeake Bay is particularly bad
  • Chesapeake Bay is sinking as sea level rises

    Due to glacial rebound phenomenon
  • Glacial rebound
    Land that was covered by glaciers sank down, while areas without glaciers rose up
  • Maryland and places south of it are sinking due to glacial rebound
  • Places like New York and most of Canada are rising due to glacial rebound
  • Land in Maryland is sinking as sea levels rise, leading to the loss of islands in Chesapeake Bay
  • Approximately 400 different islands have been lost in the Chesapeake Bay due to erosion and land sinking
  • Islands affected by sea level rise
    • Holland Island
    • Tangier Island
  • Holland Island had houses, farms, and other structures, but due to sea level rise, it eroded and eventually collapsed into the bay
  • Tangier Island has lost a significant amount of land over time and may disappear in our lifetimes
  • As sea level increases
    Salt water from the ocean moves farther up rivers, bays, and estuaries
  • Negative effects of saltwater intrusion
    • Corrosion of infrastructure like bridges and sewage pipes
    • Intrusion into groundwater affecting wells
  • Saltwater intrusion is the movement of saltwater into groundwater near the coast, causing corrosion of infrastructure and contamination of wells
  • Florida, particularly areas like Fort Lauderdale and Miami, are struggling with saltwater intrusion due to their permeable land
  • Sea level rise leads to saltwater intrusion, which can contaminate wells used for drinking water, agriculture, and industry
  • NOAA has developed a tool to visualize how sea level rise will affect coastal areas in the US
  • Sea level rise has various effects on oceans due to climate change