Samarium/neodymium dating

Cards (8)

  • Samarium 147
    Radioactive parent that decays to a daughter neodymium 143
  • Neodymium 143
    Daughter of samarium 147
  • Neodymium 144 is naturally occurring
  • All crystals have the same ratio of 144:143
  • Each mineral will have a different ratio of 147Sm:144Nd
  • Isochron
    A line on a graph that shows the ratio of two isotopes plotted against the ratio of their daughter isotopes
  • Steep isochron

    Older the rock
  • Neodymium
    • Resistant to weathering and metamorphism
    • Long half life
    • Can be used on earth and other planets
    • Common rare earths that can be readily measured