Hematology - the study of the formed elements of the blood (RBC, WBC, & platelets)
Whole blood - mixture of cells and plasma; most common body fluid analyzed
Anticoagulant - prevents blood clotting
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) - the anticoagulant for most tests that required blood; contained in tubes with a lavender stopper; should be inverted immediately 8 times
Plasma - liquid portion of the blood obtained from a specimen that has been anticoagulated
Serum - liquid portion of the blood that does not contain fibrinogens and clotting proteins
Coagulation - evaluates hemostasis to identify blood clotting disorders and anticoagulant therapy (heparin and coumadin)
Tests on the coagulation section is drawn with a light blue tube with the anticoagulant sodium citrate