origins of psychology

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  • Structuralism: It is the isolation of the structure of the consciousness. The stimuli the participants and Wundt's co workers experience was presented in the same order and the same set of instructions.
  • Controlled methods:  The lab is in a highly controlled condition creating an artificial environment. The experimenter alters the independent variable to help measure the dependent variable. they also try to prevent the effect of extraneous variables.
  • Standardised procedures: Wundt's main objective was to attempt to develop theories about mental processes; they did this using the systematic experimental procedure of introspection.
  • Wundt had contributed to psychology by opening the first only scientific psychology lab in 1879. He had also taught the people who created some of the future approaches. He also released the first psychology textbook and journal. This is suggested that he created the foundation to psychology  and the approaches to come specifically the cognitive and behaviourist approach.
  • Introspection: Wundt introduced the idea of Introspection which means looking into. It was the first systematic experimental procedure to study the human mind and break up the conscious mind into simple structures such as images, sensations and thoughts. He did this by using a stimulant which was either a metronome or a light bulb. He then got the participants to report back their feelings, and he then compared and evaluated them against other participants.
  • Wundt’s part in psychology scientific. Evidence to support this would be that he opened the first psychology lab in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany. Also when it came to him creating the idea of introspection he made sure that no extraneous variables affected the quality of the results. During this he made sure that he gave all participants the same set of instructions to make it a fair experiment allowing his work to be standardised. This implies that his work could be used in approaches further in the future such as the behaviourist approach.
  • First psychology lab: Wundt opened the 1st Psychology lab in 1879 in Leipzig Germany which helped to separate it from the branches on philosophy. He also taught and trained many other people who became the future psychologists, who would then improve and develop new ideas.