Bantustan life was tough; high poverty, disease, malnutrition, overcrowded land hindering efficient farming (moved hundreds km to infertile land) and increasing black migration from white areas worsening situation
When labour was unneeded, they were sent (1960-80): 1,129,000 black people removed from white farms due to increased machine use, and 1,616,000 removed from urban areas due to Group Areas Act
Survival hung of the ability to find work (all in white South Africa), this meant either living in illegal squatter camps, evading past laws or travelling very long distances to white areas, some for 6 hours daily
Huge townships formed near white urban areas, Botshabelo population increased from 100,000 in 1980 to 300,000 in 1985; buses transported 50 km daily for people to work in Bloemfontein
The Bantustans made life even more difficult for black people living in towns/cities as they now faced the constant threat of removal to a 'homeland’