smooth decision - making and problem solving ability are often associated with being "forgetful"
heightened creativity
breakthrough thinking
another way to describe innovation
forgetting enhances breakthrough thinking by:
clearing the mind of pastpatterns
clearing the mind of pastpractices
clearing the mind of oldideas and oldperspectives
major memory mishaps
no on wants those
that said, --> the very, latest findings suggest that forgetting can be associated w/
growth of new neurons in the hippocampus
brain region linked to memory
so? what's the point?
as a manager, you will expect certain behaviors from your direct reports
direct reports --> someone who reports to you, is evaluated by you, that you are their "boss"
your boss will expect certain performance from YOU
some defined, some NOT so well defined
some that are intuitive and normative, some NOT
what to do?
an employee who becomes too laxx, too forgetful, too distracted
have a talk
ask questions
some open and a few closed
redefine expectations, jobdemands, and retrain as needed
tornado bosses
"disruptiveleaders" are in style
silicon valley mantra of "move fast and break things"
that's easy and a cliché
what are they going to put in place of the thing they broke?
that's harder
disruptive leaders
show drive, ambition, persistence in the face of challenge
promise "bigthings" and deliver
a dark side of disruptors
often struggle to collaborate w/ others
usually not teamplayers
can be intimidating
often in a major rush to get "somewhere" w/o knowing how or where?
survival tips
be ready to pivot, change course w/ little notice
ask boss for their help "prioritizing" projects, goals
learn form the "disruptors" positive traits
a formula for creativity that often will appeal to a "disruptive manager"
ask a question
do research
analyze the materials
network w/ mentors and experts
what about the "action" manager?
if you work for an "action manager"
keep handy and I mean on your desk:
a list of last years "actions" that you completed or took partin
a list of this year's "actions" being worked on
and a few proforma actions for the "future"
keeping the boat floating w/ sound principles
move quickly
if you see areas to cutexpenses, suggest that
example: open 1 hr later, or close 1h sooner to cut utilities, payroll, etc.
keep up w/ state and local regulations or new state board directives
via internet, websites, pick up the phone and call
manage cash more carefully
delay large purchase if possible or excess spending
example: it's possible you really need an upgraded security system that costs $$$'s
but you may not need to spend money on marketing right now (as an example)
keeping the boat floating w/ sound principles (cont.)
4. reach for assistance
suggest to your bosses (especially accounting) to connect w/ suppliers willing to re-structure or delay payments of non-essential goods/services
hold on to the company's or your money
why give it to someone else if youdon'thaveto?
especially in these days of drugs that cost $$$
if the pharmacy is YOUR OWN, try to downsize the amount of YOUR money going into the business
keeping the boat floating w/ sound principles (cont.)
5. identify keystaff
find a way to keep them
just a solid business action
you could even list to your boss your success at "retention"
one of the highest costs in pharmacy management is hiring and training of newstaff
there may be payrollassistanceprograms from state or federal agencies
other incentives: what might keep YOU from leaving other than money? (i.e., insurance, benefits)
keeping the boat floating w/ sound principles (cont.)
explore other ways to grow the pharmacy or add a value for pts such as:
local delivery -- possible "free or w/ a small charge ($4 - $6)
some people still use masks, gloves, and sanitize; and make sure pts know you understand this
plan for revenue drops, inflation impact? food or meds? rent or meds?
we've briefly touched on PROFORMA revenue planning
at minimum, have a plan for at least 1 yr of "down" revenue
it's an educated guess
cost of goods sold
a measurement that includes:
cost of product (Rx items)
labor costs
fixed costs (ex: rent)
average inventory value in $'s
add all your inventory value in $'s and that's it
average your results over time
using your POS and occasional hand count of certain highdollar items
turnover ratio
cost of goods sold / averageinventory
a good goal for a pharmacy is 12 - 15
for last year, your pharmacy had a cost of goods sold of $3,000,000 and an average inventory of $300,000
$3,000,000 / $300,00 = 10
turnover ratio = 10 (a bit below target)
Rx product suppliers
an inventory management model that calculates re-orders automatically
the goal
do NOT run out of key, needed drugs
just in time... you neither have too muchinventory nor too little
inventory management tips
get an accuratecount
at least once a year, take an accurate dollar inventory, supported by a computerized system (such as a POS) or a separateinventory service (costs you $)
assign a key employee to monitor
adjust as the pt needs change
let distributors carry risk (example)
very expensive drugs such as some Hep C drugs or new-ish weight loss drugs can cost many thousands of dollars
it isn't wise to stock on hand multiple units
distributors deliver "next day" or sometimes "same day"
monitor new drugs
especially new generics that might diminish units of a brandRx dispensed
ramp up the generic use and adjust down the brand use
your automated system might react too slowly
seasonal adjustment
why stock 24 tamiflu in July if usage is 6, but in November it is 48?
return or shed excess inventory [understand this well!]
all suppliers have a "returnspolicy"
full or partial credit
seldom for a partial bottle although some services offer pro-ratedcredit for partials
watch out for controlledsubstancereturns!
make sure patients are really going to pick up expensive meds
especially initial fills
super higher co-pays
answer: call the pt to make sure they understand the co-pay
med synchronization programs -- for pts on multiple maintenance meds, reminders, auto-refill programs