
Cards (3)

  • One strength is that Baddeley’s research showed a clear difference between the 2 memory stores. The latest research showed there are some expectations for Baddeley's research. But the idea that the STM is acoustic and the LTM is semantic. This was important as it led to the development of the multi-store model.
  • One limitation is that Baddeley's research used artificial stimuli rather than meaningful stimuli. As the words given to the participant meant nothing to them. This could possibly mean that it does not tell us much about coding in different tasks in everyday life. When processing meaningful information the mind still uses semantic coding in the STM. This suggests it has limited application. 
  •  Baddeley created 4 groups and gave them all a different list of words. The first group is words that sound similar. Second group got words that sounded differently. Third group got words that have similar meanings. Fourth group got words with different meanings. They were shown the words and were asked to recall them immediately from the short term memory. When recalling after 20 minutes they did worse with the similar meaning words from the long term memory. It suggests that STM is acoustically and LTM is semantic.