Cards (11)

  • What is an accent?
    the sounds produced (or not produced) by a speaker
  • what is dialect?
    the words used ( or not used) by a speaker
  • What is standard english?
    the belief that a proper version of English exists, one that is superior to all others
  • what is non-standard english?
    the belief that improper versions of english exist, ones that are inferior to standard english
  • what is prescriptivism?
    says what language should be. believes there are right and wrong parts of language
  • what is descriptivism?
    says what language is actually like, dont refer to right or wrong types of English
  • what is received pronunciation?
    the way standard english words are pronounced
  • what is overt prestige?
    related to standard and formal language features, expresses power and status
  • what is covert prestige?
    more related to regional dialect (vernacular) and expresses solidarity, community and group identity more than authority
  • what is a diphthong?
    word with two sounds
  • what is a monophthong?
    word with one sound and one vowel