Cards (5)

  • The Act of Supremacy (1534) made the King head of the Church
  • The Treasons Act (1534) allowed anyone to accuse someone else of treason, making it easier to execute people who opposed the king
  • Wolsey was replaced by Thomas More as Lord Chancellor - a layman, with strong humanist beliefs.
    • Where Wolsey was prepared to seize opportunities and act flexibly in terms of his master, More was a man of high and rigid principles, especially in religious manners.
    • The emergence of Thomas Cromwell brought this phase of Conciliar government to an end.
    • Cromwell rose after Wolsey’s death because he had a proposal to solve the ‘King’s Great Matter’.
    • He made an enemy with the Duke of Norfolk during his time as Chief minister, as the was opposed to Cromwell’s religious reforms.
  • Church (1)
    Exploiting the weakness:
    • Church’s claim to legal supremacy had been challenged, and it was asserted that the English law had superiority over canon law.
    • This helped prepare the way parliamentary attack on the Church’s power - which was masterminded by Cromwell.
    • Henry had gained more justification by means of the Collectanea Satis Copiosa. 
  • Church (2)
    • 1531 - Clergy collectively accused of praemunire & fined
    • 1532 - Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates
    • 1532 - House of Commons Supplication against Ordinaries
    • 1532 - Formal submission of the clergy to Henry VIII.