Cards (7)

  • Howard Giles Matched Guise experiments (1975)

    identify attitudes and prejudices towards accents. an actor spoke in RP and then other accents and people rated them for different aspects
  • Which accents were thought to be the most friendly?
    Devon 65%
    Newcastle 56%
    Edinburgh 51%
  • which accents were thought to be the least friendly?
    Liverpool 26%
    Belfast 24%
    RP 23%
    Birmingham 21%
  • which accents were thought to be the most trustworthy?
    RP 51%
    Devon 51%
    Edinburgh 44%
  • which accents were thought to be the least trustworthy?
    Liverpool 29%
    Cockney London 24%
  • Which accents were thought to be the most intelligent?
    RP 62%
    Edinburgh 38%
  • which accents were thought to be the most unintelligent?
    Liverpool 37%
    Birmingham 33%
    Cockney 32%