behavioural approach

Cards (3)

  • A01 INTRO - All phobias learned from a person’s environment · Two process model as learnt through classical conditioning and maintained by operant conditioning
  • AO1 PT1 - Classical conditioning – learning through associating a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that produces a response of fear · Fear triggered when they see object · Little Albert – developed a phobia of a white rat (NS) because overtime it was associated with a loud noise (UCS) as this produced a response of fear (UCR). In the end the rat (CS) alone produced he response of fear (CR) associated loud noise (UCS) with rat (NS)
  • AO1 PT 2 - Phobias are maintained by operant conditioning – learning through reinforcement (avoidance) ·A person will avoid the feared object – meaning the person is being negatively reinforced as they will be avoid anxiety, so repeat this behaviour and maintain the phobia.