
Cards (2)

  • Beck's negative triad - consistent negative thinking can make a person vulnerable to depression. 3 kinds of negative thinking 

    about the world - 'the world is a hard place', creates the impression there is no hope anywhere
    about the future - 'i will never achieve anything'
    about oneself - 'i hate myself, i am worthless'
  • Ellis's ABC model - emphasises the role of irrational thoughts that interfere with us being happy and free of pain
    There is an activating event (A), this is an external event such as the loss of a job that can trigger irrational beliefs (B). Ellis identified range of irrational beliefs that are triggered; we must always achieve perfection (musterbation) and life should be fair (utopianism). When an activating event triggers these irrational beliefs there are then emotional and behaviour consequences (C) such as depression