pamphlet on both sides of wherein Copernicus wrote out a description of his startling new arrangement for planetary motions
Commentariolus or Little Commentary
the book where Copernicus boldly introduced the idea that the earth is not fixed in the middle of the universe, but is really a planet the sun.
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)
Charles Darwin
Born: February 12, 1809
Died: April 19, 1882
A poet free thinking physician and stylish
Author of zoonomia; or the laws of organic life
grandfather of Charles
Erasmus Darwin
Charles Darwin Studied medicine at Edinburgh University in 1825
Charles Darwin had a _ collecting passions
Darwin’s book was first published in England in 1859
The Origin of Species
Sigmund Freud
Born: May 6, 1856
Died: September 23, 1939
Instincts drive and direct behavior, the goal of which the satisfaction of needs is derived from the instincts
this is the desire for immediate gratification
Pleasure Principle
instinctual drive towards survival and replacement of energy requires translation into more specific terms such as 'food, love, security' etc.
strives to bring about the satisfaction of instinctual needs on the basis of the pleasure principle
not governed by logic
It is the individual's primary subjective reality at the unconscious level.
under the influence of the Reality
Mediates among the Id, the Superego and the external world
associated with a set of cognitive functions such as reality-testing, defense mechanisms, synthesis of information, intellectual functioning, and memory.
includes a conscious set of ideals, the pattern to which the individual consciously tries to adapt his life, and an unconscious set of
With a male infant the objective choice is the loved mother, with jealousy of the father
Oedipus complex
The girl develops a love for the father and corresponding jealousy of the mother
Elektra complex
The libido is transferred from parents to friends, clubs, and leading figures
Latency period
the instinctual urge is objective and aggressive, whereas masturbation in the immature Genital period is essentially a subjective experience
Phallic Stage
the child begins to realize that it is a pleasurable experience to manipulate particular areas of the body, such as the mouth, the anus, and the genitals
At the Anal Stage the child learns to differentiate between the 'ME versus NOT-ME'
tension builds up as bowel and bladder functioning demand attention
When defecation and urination take place, the experience of the relief from tension is pleasurable
Anal Stage
infant's first source of pleasure is oral (mouth)
This unconscious part of the mind includes some material which has been dissociated from conscious thinking
some part of the mind that can relatively easily become conscious