This approach ignores what makes someone abnormal and focuses on what makes anyone 'normal'.
Jahoda suggested we should;
Have no symptoms of distress and can cope with stress
Have a realistic view of the world and good self esteem without guilt
Be independeent and can self-actualise
Strength - Comprehensive Explaination
Has a range of criteria distinguishing mental health from illness - Covers the reasons people need help
Checklist we can assess ourselves with and can be used to discuss with professionals
Limitation - Culture Bound
Some of the criteria is located in context of USA and western europe. Self-actualisation may be seen as self-indulgent
Independence is high in Germany and Low in Italy
Few of us attain all of Jahoda's criteria and probably none of us achieve them at the same time or keep them up for very long. It can be disheartening to be held up to impossible standards.