Cards (8)

  • Typically those with ocd feel compelled to repeat a behaviour such as handwashing.
  • Compulsions are used to reduce anxiety such as handwashing as a response to obsessive fear of germs.
  • Many people with ocd tend to avoid situations that may trigger anxiety - Avoidance
  • OCD involves powerful anxiety that accompanies both obsessions and compulsions.
  • OCD is often accompanied by depression, so anxiety can be accompanied by low mood and lack of enjoyment in activities.
  • OCD sometimes involve other negative emotions such as irrational guilt or disgust - could be over minor moral issues or disgust towards 'dirt'
  • Most people with ocd experience obsessive thoughts that are often repeatative. These vary from person to person by are always unpleasant.
  • Many people adopt cognitive coping strategies such as mediating to help anxiety.