For motor, Edinger Westphal Nerve, PERRLA – Pupil Equally Round Reactive to Light Accommodation, Ptosis – drooping of the eyelid (Levator palpebrae superioris muscle), Damage causes Mydriasis (dilated pupil), Anisocoria – unequal size of the pupil, Pupillary Light Reflex, Direct Light reflex (one is constricted) and Consensual effect (both constricted), Formula: EOM3, LR6, SO4, SUPERIOR RECTUS - 3, LATERAL RECTUS - 6, INFERIOR RECTUS - 3, MEDIAL RECTUS - 3, INFERIOR OBLIQUE – 3, SUPERIOR OBLIQUE - 4, Diplopia – double vision (eye patch) - vertical – CN4, - horizontal – CN6, Nystagmus