Cards (86)

  • What term describes the subject matter, style, tone and attitude of literature of ancient Greek and Rome? Classicism
  • He believes that reality exists when the thing or object or emotion is lasting. Plato
  • He is a Spanish author who wrote the novel “Don Quixote”. Miguel de Cervantes
  • He is the Father of English Criticism. John Dryden
  • It is a criticism that uses personal judgement. Reader response
  • How many stories are there in Canterbury Tales? 24
  • Name the book which opens with the line ‘All children, except one grew up’. Peter Pan
  • She is an American writer who made herself known for her extreme individualism in poetry. Emily Dickinson
  • This is used to describe an expression that co-refers with a latter expression. Cataphora
  • He is an essayist exemplified Elizabethan ideal of intellectual versatility in the 17th Century. Francis Bacon
  • He is one of the exceptional writers in Philippine Literature and also known as Quijano De Manila. Nick Joaquin
  • Which novel, eventually published in 1945, was rejected by a New York publisher stating ‘it is impossible to sell animal stories in the USA’? Animal Farm
  • How many Inflectional Morphemes are there in English? 8
  • It is a relatively recently devised word/phrase that has not been accepted into mainstream usage. Neologism
  • Identify the play from which lines are taken: Will thou be gone? It is not yet near day. It was the nightingale, and not the lark The period the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on your pomegranate tree; Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. Romeo and Juliet
  • Identify the poem from which the following line are taken: DRINK TO ME ONLY WITH THINE EYES. AND I WILL PLDGE WITH ME. OR LEAVE A KISS BUT IN THE CUP. AND I’LL NOT LOOK FOR WINE. Song to Celia
  • Identify the poem from the lines are taken: Have glimpse that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow is wreathed horn. The World is Too Much With Us
  • Identify the author of the poem torn which the following lines are taken: O is she rosely loved is she lovely rosed O is she lovely sung as sea-shells? Jose Garcia Villa
  • Who said, “These are the times that try men’s souls?” Thomas Paine
  • Novel "War and Peace" was written by Tolstoy
  • Lines "All that glitters is not gold..." are from the play Merchant of Venice.
  • Speaker of "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country": 'John F. Kennedy'
  • Stanza "Trust no future, howe’er pleasant..." is from the poem - A Psalm of Life
  • Maranao stories about Pilandok are examples of Folk tales.
  • Epic about the exploits of early Muslim warriors who fought in defense of Islam is Darangan.
  • Book in the New Testament including a vision of the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus is Revelation
  • William Norris wants you to do in his "Zip the Lip" is to observe confidentiality.
  • Type of reading "Choral Reading" is shared.
  • Language system focused on vocabulary is Semantics.
  • Theory claiming that readers have difficulty in comprehension because they are focused on word identification is Automaticity.
  • Which speech is considered one of the greatest speeches for its vision of American democracy by a U.S political leader? John F. Kennedy's Inaugural speech
  • Which play of Jose M. Hernandez tells of an artisan who forged cannons for the use of the Spaniards? Panday Pira
  • If Dick’s father is John’s son, what relation has Dick to John? Grandson
  • Consider these lines from “The Ideal wife”: FAVOR IS DECEITFULL AND BEAUTY IS VAIN BUT WOMAN THAT FEARETH THE LORD, SHE SHALL BE PRAISED Which word infers the moral of the verse? Feareth
  • Which novel written by Kerima-Tuvera tells of the story of Emma Mercene who struggles for consummation of purse and clean love? The Hand of the Enemy
  • William Wordsworth wrote “SHE WAS PHANTOM OF DELIGHT” from which the lines are taken: SHE WAS PHANTOM OF DELIGHT WHEN FIRST SHE GLEAMED UPON SIGHT; A LOVELY APPARITON, SENT TO BE A MOMENT’S ORNAMENT; Which figure of speech is used? Metaphor
  • Who wrote “HESPERIDES” which contains lyrics filled with themes about country life and beauty? Robert Herrick
  • Which sonnet enumerates the reasons for loving Elizabeth Barrett Browning? Sonnet 43
  • How many were going to St. Ives according to these lines? As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven wives: Every wife had seven sacks; Every sack had seven cats; Every cat had seven kits. One
  • Which novel written by E.M. Foster satirizes the manners of the middle-class English folk with their provincial class clannishness and prejudices? Howards End