The circulatory system

Cards (46)

  • The circulatory system is the transport system of the body
  • It transports food and oxygen to the cells for use in respiration and removing waste
  • Main components of circulatory system
    1. Heart
    2. Blood vessels
    3. Blood
  • The heart is a muscular pump and it is the size of a clenched fist
  • The heart is surrounded by a membrane called the pericardium
  • The pericardium holds the heart in place and prevents it from over stretching
  • The sides of the heart are separated by the septum
  • Each side of the heart has 2 champers → atria + ventricles
  • Atria → Thinned walled, they collect blood entering the heart
  • Ventricles → Thicker and more muscular, they pump blood, left is thicker (has to pump to the body)
  • Valves → Prevent back flow of blood or blood flowing in the wrong direction (Tri - Bi)
  • Cordae teninae → They prevent the valves from turning inside out
  • Arteries → Transport blood away from the heart
  • Arteries
    Thick walls, muscular, elastic → for high blood pressure
    Blood pressure fluctuates as the heart contracts and relaxes
  • Arteries carry oxygenated blood → besides the pulmonary arteries
  • Your pulse is the recoil and expansion of the arteries
  • Veins → Transports blood towards the heart
  • Veins
    • Low and constant blood pressure
    • Thin, inelastic wall, little muscles
  • Most veins carry deoxygenated blood → besides pulmonary veins
  • The contraction of skeletal muscles helps push the blood along in the veins
  • Capillaries → transport blood close to cells
  • Capillaries
    • Connect arteries to veins
    • Tiny vessels → one cells thick
    • Semi-permeable walls → e.g. oxygen out, carbon in
  • Arterial end (capillaries)→ connect to arteries, high blood pressure
  • Venous end (capillaries)→ connect to veins, low blood pressure
  • Erythrocytesred blood cells
  • Erythrocytes
    Shaped like bi-concave discs to increase their carrying capacity for gases
  • Red blood cells contain haemoglobin which increases the oxygen carrying capacity of cells and also increases the rate at which O2 moves to the cell
  • Haemoglobin combines with O2 in the lung capillaries to from oxyhaemoglobin
  • Haemoglobin combines with CO2 in the tissues to from carbaminohaemoglobin
  • Mature red blood cells don’t have a nucleus → more room for the haemoglobin
    • Red blood cells have elastic membranes which allow them to squeeze through tiny capillaries
    • They are made in the red bone marrow → life span of 120 days
  • Aged red blood cells are removed → liver + spleen
  • Leucocytes → white blood cells
  • Since white blood cells have a nucleus → no haemoglobin
  • White blood cells are made in the red bone marrow, thymus glad and lymphatic tissues
  • White blood cells
    They defend the body from disease → remove dead or injured cells using phagocytosis
  • White blood cells live for only a few hours or few days
  • Thrombocytes → platelets
  • Platelets are Small cell fragments
  • Blood clotting (platelets) → they from initial plus, then they initiate clotting factors which act as scabs