Tradition - Similar to custom but is practiced for a long time
Folk Culture - Enduring traditional practices of people
Popular Culture - Rapidly changing tastes and customs of a group
Folk Culture is a group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective or a community. Shared experiences, customs, and traits, work to preserve those traits to keep a uniqueness from others.
Popular Culture transcends culture. Stretches across the world and who embrace cultural traits such as music, dance, clothing, and food.
Heterogeneous People are of the diverse population
Folk Music tend to have anonymous sources from unknown dates through multiple hearths tells story about daily activities.
Pop Music has a known originator that results from more leisure and more capital. Written by specific individuals for the purpose of being sold to a large number of people.
Cultural traits diffuse through contagious diffusion and hierarchical diffusion.
Contagious Diffusion is where innovation spreads outward through direct persontopersoncontact. There is no jumping.
Hierarchical Diffusion is where innovation spreads from one powernodetoanother jumping over intervening areas.
Folk Culture tends to diffuse slowly primarility though physicalrelocation of individuals.
Pop Culture tends to diffuse rapidly primarily through hierarchicaldiffusion from the nodes.
Through how do folk culture diffuse?
Physical relocation of individuals
Through how do pop culture diffuse?
Hierarchical diffusion from the nodes
The hearths of popular culture begins with an idea and contagious diffusion.
Hearths of Popular Culture
Companies create or manufacture popular culture (MTV, Networks, etc.)
Individuals create or manufacture popular culture (games, songs, dance, etc.)
What do individuals create or manufacture popular culture?
Games, songs, dance, etc.
Customs are the practices that a group of people routinely follows. Local cultures are sustaines by maintaining customs.
Material Culture are things a group of people construct. Some examples are art, houses, clothing, sports, dance, and food.
Nonmaterial Culture are the beliefs, practices, aesthetics, and values of a group of people.
Local Culture Goals
Keeping other cultures out to avoid assimilation (Create a boundary around itself)
Keeping their own culture (Avoid the adoption of customs by other cultures)
Keeping other cultures out to avoid assimilation
Create a boundary around itself
Keeping their own culture
Avoid the adoption of customs by other cultures
Urban Local Cultures
Can create ethnic neighborhoods within cities
Creates a space to practice customs
Can clusyer business, house of ownership, schools to support local culture
Distance Decay is the likelihood of diffusion decreases as time and distance from the hearths increases.
Example of Distance Decay is there is lessodds of finding or learning the Adobo or hear Filipino language the further you get from the Southeast Asia (Philippines)
Syncretism is the fusion of old and new to create a new cultural trait.
Rural Local Cultures
Migration into rural areas is less frequent
Can better separate their culture from others and from popular culture