Walang Japan and China -> mas matagal ang process when it comes to cosmetic distribution
Ensures that only cosmetic products that conform to the provisions may be placed in the market
Responsible for effective functioning of the ACD
Shall consist of 1 official representative from each member state regulatory authority
ASEAN Cosmetic Association (ACA) members
Organizations from different countries that aim to harmonize and maintain cosmetics regulations, upgrade the standards of technical competence and scientific expertise in the local industries, and expand the cosmetics trade in ASEAN
ASEAN Cosmetic Committee (ACC)
1. Established in 2003
2. Reviews/monitors different guidelines within ACD (ASEAN Cosmetic Directive)
3. Follow guidelines to distribute, import different cosmetic products
1 representative per country + secretary + chairman in ACC
Aim of ACC is to harmonize cosmetic products
ACD was created in 2008 to have a unified guideline (January 1, 2008)
ACD covers drug, food, cosmetic, and devices
Role of Cosmetic Dealers:
Fluoride, Triclosan, SLS Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (Cetaphil) have limits
If a product contains a prohibited ingredient, it will not be approved by FDA
Role of National Regulatory Authorities (NRA):
ACD Documents include:
Definition and examples of cosmetic products are provided in Appendix I and III
Prohibited, restricted, and permitted ingredients are listed in Annexes of the Asean Cosmetic Directive (Updated Jan 2022)
Annex II Part 1: List of substances which must not form part of the composition of cosmetic products
Jan 2022
Annex III Part 1: List of substances which cosmetic products must not contain except subject to restrictions and conditions laid down
Jan 2022
ACD Documents
ACD -> agreement among ASEAN Countries to harmonize the trade of cosmetics w/n the region
Annex IV Part I: List of coloring agents allowed for use in cosmetic products
Jan 2022
Annex VI: List of preservatives allowed
Annex VII: List of permitted UV filters which cosmetic products may contain
Labelling requirements
Appendix II: ASEAN Cosmetic Labelling Requirement
ASEAN Sunscreen Labelling Guideline
Good manufacturing practices
Appendix VI: ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices
Others eh Cosmetics - personnel: knowledge, skills, training - tests, contamination, etc.
Safety assessment
Guidelines for the Safety Assessment of a Cosmetic Product
Adverse event reporting
A Guide Manual for the Industry: Adverse Event Reporting of Cosmetic Products
Guidelines for Product Information File (PIF)
Limits of contaminants
ASEAN Guidelines on Limits of Contaminants for Cosmetics (Updated Oct 2019)
Updates and Amendments to the ACD as Adopted During the 37th ACC Meeting and its Related Meetings