1. Fertilised eggs are released from gravid proglottid in faeces of host into environment
2. Gravid proglottid degenerates and eggs enter environment
3. Eggs are ingested by cattle during feeding and hatch inside the intestine of the cattle
4. Larvae come out in intestine and burrow (using mechanical and chemical means) through the intestine wall into bloodstream then skeletal muscles of intermediate host
5. Eggs are embedded into muscles to form cysts (known by chemical cues)
6. Human eats raw uncooked beef with eggs in it
7. Eggs go through the acid in stomach and alkaline in small intestine
8. Protective barrier is present to resist acidic conditions
9. If the larva accidentally hatches in the stomach, it will instantly die
10. Acid and alkaline conditions are chemical cues for larva to evert and evaginate