Zoology chap 6

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  • Reproductive process
    Life springs from reproduction of preexisting life
  • Forms of reproduction
    • Binary Fission
    • Multiple Fission
    • Budding
    • Gemmulation
    • Fragmentation
  • Binary Fission
    The body of the unicellular parent divides by mitosis into two approximately equal parts
  • Multiple Fission
    The nucleus divides repeatedly before division of the cytoplasm, producing many daughter cells simultaneously
  • Budding
    Unequal division of an organism where a new individual arises as an outgrowth from its parent, develops organs, and then detaches. Prominent in cnidarians
  • Gemmulation
    Formation of a new individual from an aggregation of cells surrounded by a resistant capsule (gemmule). Found in freshwater sponges
  • Fragmentation
    When a multicellular animal breaks into two or more parts, with each fragment capable of becoming a complete individual. Seen in anemones and hydroids
  • Asexual Reproduction

    Production of individuals without gametes. Offspring have the same genotype as the parent (clone)
  • Examples of asexual reproduction
    • Bacteria
    • Unicellular eukaryotes
    • Many invertebrate phyla
    • Amoeba/Arcella
    • Trypanosome
    • Flagellate
    • Paramecium
    • Epulopiscium
    • Stanieria
    • Bdellovibrio
    • Planctomytes
  • Bisexual Reproduction

    Production of offspring formed by the union of gametes from two genetically different parents. Parents are of different sexes, male and female
  • Hermaphroditism
    Condition of having both male and female organs in the same individual
  • Parthenogenesis
    Development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg or one in which the male or female nuclei fail to unite following fertilization
  • Sexual Reproduction
    Production of individuals by gametes. Two parents with special germ cells that unite to produce a genetically unique individual
  • Gametogenesis
    Production of mature gametes. Includes Spermatogenesis (gametogenesis in testis) and Oogenesis
  • Sex Determination
    At first, gonads are sexually indifferent. In mammalian males, gametogenesis occurs in the testis
  • Genital ridges
    Appearance of the gonads during early embryonic development
  • Primordial germ cells
    Precursors of germ cells
  • Gonads
    Primary organs that produce sperm and eggs and sex hormones
  • Early embryonic development
    Primordial germ cells are precursors of germ cells
  • Sex Determination
    At first, gonads are sexually indifferent
  • Gametogenesis in mammalian males
    Production of mature gametes
  • Spermatogenesis
    Gametogenesis in testis
  • Oogenesis
    Gametogenesis in ovaries
  • SRY
    The male-determining gene
  • DMRT1
    Doublesex And Mab-3 Related Transcription Factor 1
  • Classic experiments performed in rabbits provide support for the idea that the female is the default sex during development
  • Fertilized eggs development
    In the oviduct or uterus with embryos deriving their nourishment directly from the mother
  • Reproductive Patterns
    • Oviparous
    • Ovoviparous
    • Viviparous
  • Oviparous
    Lay their eggs outside their body
  • Viviparous
    Give live birth
  • Reproductive Systems
    Consist of primary organs (gonads) and accessory organs
  • Endocrine events that orchestrate reproduction
    Reproduction in vertebrates is usually a seasonal or cyclic activity
  • Sexual reproductive process

    Controlled by hormones (hypothalamus)
  • Principles of Development
    Developmental Biology encompasses the emergence of order and complexity during the development of a new individual from a fertilized egg, and the control of this process
  • Developmental Theories
    • Preformation
    • Epigenesis
  • Fertilization is the union of male and female gametes to form a zygote
  • An egg cell is 200x as large as a somatic cell
  • Sperm is approximately 1/50 the size of a somatic cell
  • Contact recognition between egg and sperm

    Occurs through species-specific interactions
  • Polyspermy is the entrance of more than one sperm